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The Law Enforcement Academy at Arapahoe Community College is offering ongoing Carrying Concealed Weapon (CCW) Firearms Safety classes.

Successful completion of this two-day course will fulfill the handgun safety training requirement of the new state law (SB 03-024) that authorizes persons who demonstrate competence with handguns to apply to carry concealed handguns in the state of Colorado. The CCW permits will be issued by county Sheriff's departments.

The CCW Firearms Safety course cost of $259 per student covers quality instruction by law enforcement professionals and attorneys in the classroom and at the firing range, targets, certificates of completion, and brown-bag lunches.

Topics covered include firearms civil and criminal liability, safety rules, firearms range rules, Senate Bill 03-024, safe gun storage, safe gun handling, appropriate holsters and related equipment, basic gun handling skills, basic marksmanship skills, tactical skills, and qualification and testing.

Instructional time is evenly divided between the classroom at ACC's main campus (5900 S. Santa Fe Drive) and at a firing range for hands-on education.

Students have to supply their own reliable firearm (.380, .38, .357, .40, .45 caliber or 9mm), 300 rounds of US factory ammunition for the firearm, a Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) check, photo ID, note-taking supplies, protective eye wear, hearing protection, appropriate clothing, including baseball cap, sturdy holster, magazine pouch, speed loader pouch, belt capable of supporting the weapon, and sunscreen.

A written test, practical test, and qualification on the firing range are required to pass the course and receive certification. Class sizes are limited.

To register for this course, for more information, or to make advance arrangements for access accommodations, call Joan at 303-797-5793.

Related info:
Colorado Senate votes to expand concealed weapon law  Read >
Proponents' position on concealed weapons, plus Colorado legal info Read >
The Brady Campaign position on concealed weapons
("Concealed Weapons, Concealed Risks")  Read >

Arapahoe Community College
offers concealed weapon safety course
Courtesy of Arapahoe Community College